Job hunting while you’re working can be tricky. Follow these winning tips to get it right.

Job hunting is an essential skill in the 21st century working world, where moving onwards and upwards are all parts of the game. However, doing it well and with minimal damage to your reputation and your current job are technicalities that can be tricky when job hunting while you’re working.  Here are a few tips for getting it right:

Know what you want

So, you’ve decided to start job hunting, now what? Make sure you have a clear vision of what it is you actually want. What job role and challenge are you looking for? What would your dream company look like or be? What would make the perfect package? Know what you want before you start looking, so that when it’s offered to you, you’ll know it’s the right move to make.

Find a Niche Recruiter

Especially in the IT world, working with a specialist recruitment company is going to be your best bet. Choose a company that fits your style, knows the industry, and is willing to understand you and what you want. For more on how to know a great recruiter when you meet them, see this post “7 Reasons to use a Professional Recruitment Agency”.

Take Your Time

You don’t need to pull ‘fake’ sick days, or pretend to take Darth, your cat, to the vet ten times in one month for just any old interview. You’ve got a job and you’re earning an income, so you don’t have to rush in, or jump at the first thing you see. Make sure the job you are applying for, or going for an interview on, checks all of your wish-list boxes before saying yes to it. If you’re going to take time-out of your current job, make sure it’s worthwhile.

Don’t burn your bridges

Don’t let your job-hunting take focus off your current role. You still have a responsibility to your current employer to deliver good work, so make sure you don’t renege on that. Schedule time outside of work hours to do your research or application processes, or ask to meet your recruiter after hours or on Saturdays if need be.

Network, network, network

Without overstepping any confidentiality clauses, do your best to use the power of networking to put yourself out there. Attend networking breakfasts, or networking events in your industry which will allow you to see what’s out there and also potentially meet people who might be looking for a person like you. The saying ‘it’s not what you know but who you know’ rings very, very true.

Job-hunting or looking for the next big challenge in your IT career? Well, you’ve come to right place, submit your CV today and let e-Merge help you find your sweet spot.

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